Tuesday, January 20, 2009

President Obama's Speech

William Safire predicted what president-elect Obama will say at his inauguration speech. He knows that he will inspire people, and teach them the right way. “Early this week what he sees as his main task in this speech: “to try to capture as best I can the moment that we are in … this is the crossroad that we’re at. And then to project confidence that if we take the right measures that we can once again be that country, that beacon for the world.” He wants to make us one country again, not all individual states. Obama will try to show him that he is going to take responsibility for the Untied States actions.The speech he has undoubtedly studied closely for its moment is the 1933 adress by Franklin Roosevelt, delivered with the nation already in the grip of depression, 40 percent of the work force unemployed.

I think that William is correct. Obama will try to inspire people and give them Hope. He wants us to be one country again becasue the economy is doing very poorly.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Video Chatting

Dr. Ghosh is a professor at the Universty of Pennsylvania. His wife is alos a professor, at University of Otago in New Zealand. The wife Cecilia lives in New Zenland with her child, Emilio. Every morning in New Zenland the mother needs someone to look after her kid while she is getting ready. Thats when Dr. Ghosh steps and he video chats with his son using Skype a software that enables users to transmit their voices and images through the Internet. This works out for both parents. It is unfortune that the Dr. has to live so far away from his family, his wife and his son Emilio. Eventhough they are 9,000 miles away they still get to see eachother everyday. They see eachother when the mother needs help usally around breakfast and dinner. http://www.nytimes.com/2009/01/04/fashion/04commuter.html?_r=2&scp=1&sq=conlin&st=cse