Thursday, December 4, 2008


In Los Angelos a girl named Meghan killed herself because of cyberbulling. A women named Lori pretended to be another child on myspace and became friends with Meghan. Once she got close to Meghan she started to say really mean things to her. The last thing lori said on myspace to Meghan is the world should be a better place without you. After this Lori was taken in and was out on trial. She was sent to jail for a tiny crime but that isnt enough. She sholdve been charged with murder. She took a life and now people have to live without Meghan so she shouldve have been sent to jail for then one year. Cybulling should be stopped.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Teenagers internet Socializing Not a Bad thing

Teenagers go on the internet a lot. I think this article is a good idea for and a good dinner discussion for the dinner table. The researcher is right we don’t only play games we talk to our friends and keep in contact with old friends. We do actual learn online. We learn social skills and how to type. On face book we keep in contact with old friends. We write on each others wall, comment on old pictures. We are also carefull and we make sure our profiles are on private so only our friends can see them. The internet helps us in many different ways, we can look up what is going on in the world, we can keep in contact with old friends, and it helps us typing. The internet helps us in everyday activities.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Safe Blogging

There rules about blogging on the computer. Unsafe blogging can be very dangerous. One rule is that you can’t put any pictures of yourself on the no blog, none. Also you should never put your last name. Anyone can take your last and look you up on google and face book. They can track you down. Never give out any information about yourself or personal life. If you give your birthday and your address people can come and find you. Also stay to related topics don’t start to talk about school on a blog about cooking. Using appropriate language is very important. Be very careful about what you write on the internet because anyone can see it.